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 R e i k i  i n  H o s p i t a l s  &  C l i n i c s

“I want Reiki to be as common as aspirin.”  - Hawayo Takata Sensei

It is ranked as sixth best US hospital. They are providing Reiki treatment at Columbia University Medical Center, to the patients going under cardiac and thoracic surgeries and are also researching on it.

Reiki services are offered to patients admitted in Surgical Service Department and has been reported to produce relaxation and profound healing.

The doctors providing Reiki at this clinic claimed its usefulness in both acute and chronic diseases and are also conducting research to make insurance companies realize the viability of this healing technique.

It is enlisted among the top 10 health care organizations of the country. They are offering Reiki services as they believe in focusing medical care to health oriented practice and have found it helpful in achieving their objectives.

Reiki is available through practitioners who are trained and certified by master-level Reiki teachers to promote healing by utilizing deep relaxation techniques. Therapies such as these are available in other cancer centers, but generally at a cost to the patient.

It is offered to patients as a way to experience deep relaxation, to help speed healing, reduce pain and decrease other symptioms that a patient might be experiencing. 

Chair Reiki sessions are offered to promote relaxation, reduce stress or discomfort, decrease pain and to promote a sense of peace and well-being. It is integrated into their Pain Managment Program, Neuroscience Supportive Care Program, Healing Touch During Chemotherapy Infusions for Women with Breast Cancer Program and Stress Reduction During In-Vitro Fertilization program.

UCLA Health caregivers are trained in to provide Reiki to patients to address the primary symptoms of pain, anxiety, nausea, insomnia, constipation, and exhaustion. Reiki is offered to patients at five of of UCLA's Medical Centers and clinics. These include: UCLA Ronald Reagan, UCLA Santa Monica and Mattel Children's Hospital UCLA, Jill Stein Eye Institute and Stewart & Lynda Resnick Neuropsychiatric Hospital at UCLA. 

Volunteers offer Reiki services to for both hospital and clinic patients. Patients are assessed for pain, nausea and anxiety before and after each Reiki session.

Over 800 hospitals incorporate Reiki into their healthcare programs and services. View an incomplete list of some of these hospitals and clinics (pdf)

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