Whether you are traveling for business or pleasure, flying from city to city or across the country often creates a stress response within the body.
According to webMD, the most common signs of stress that affects our physical body are:
Low energy
Upset stomach -including diarrhea, constipation, and nausea
Aches, pains, and tense muscles
Chest pain and rapid heartbeat
Frequent colds and infections
Loss of sexual desire and/or ability
Nervousness and shaking, ringing in the ears, cold or sweaty hands and feet
Dry mouth and difficulty swallowing
Clenched jaw and grinding teeth
Stress doesn't just affect our physical bodies, it also affects our emotional well being. WebMD states that most common signs of emotional stress include:
Becoming easily agitated, frustrated, and moody
Feeling overwhelmed, like you are losing control or need to take control
Having difficulty relaxing and quieting your mind
Feeling bad about yourself (low self-esteem), lonely, worthless, and depressed
Avoiding others
In addition to physical and emotional symtoms, stress also affects our mental and/or cognitive well being in the following ways:
Constant worrying
Racing thoughts
Forgetfulness and disorganization
Inability to focus
Poor judgment
Being pessimistic or seeing only the negative side
Stress can present itself physically, emotionally and mentally. Most people exhibit a combination of the above symptoms while experiencing travel related stress. Often times, we don't slow down enough to become aware of what is happening within our bodies. When we travel, we switch ourselves to auto pilot.
In order to have the most enjoyable life possible, we must turn off the stress response. How do we turn off the stress response? One way is to set a small amount of time aside to have a Reiki treatment. Reiki is a simple, gentle, non - invasive healing modality that works to balance the energies of the mind, body and spirit in an effort to promote inner and outer well being.
The benefits of Reiki are numeous and are unique to each individual, but some of the most common benefits that have been noted by our patients include:
Stress Reduction
Decreased Anxiety
Pain Relief
Mental Clarity
Inner Peace
Increased rate of recovery from surgery, injury and illness.
De-stress with LAX REIKI. We are conveniently located near the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). Reiki sessions are available on Mondays and Wednesdays by appointment only. Visit LAX REIKI to learn more about us and to schedule an appointment online.